当研究室では、今年度、JSPS外国人特別研究員であるSarah Wagner氏を迎え、以下の国際共同研究に携わることになりました。またCovid-19の流行に伴い、関連の研究も行います。( English follows Japanese)

小川明子 Ogawa, Akiko Associate Professor, Department of Social Informatics, Nagoya University
セイラ・ワグナー Wagner, Sarah Foreign Researcher, Department of Social Informatics, Nagoya University and External Associated Researcher, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Open University of Catalonia


Social isolation in later life is recognized as a detriment to well-being and health. There has been growing interest in the potentials of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) like mobile phones and the Internet to alleviate feelings of social isolation among older adults living in residential care. However, care home residents often do not use ICTs effectively and ICT interventions have failed to have lasting effects.
The research intends to draw attention to the preferences, experiences and needs of older adults that reside in an institutional setting, a group that is often silenced particularly within communication technology planning. Furthermore, the project intends to support residents’ sense of agency over the ways they use ICTs and maintain their social connections.
Research results will be shared with the participating care homes’ administration and intend to bring value to their planning. In addition, research results will be used to advance theoretical work on the political economy of digital inclusion.